Artists and designers now have the option to paint with light with the support of an RGB/RGBW LED module. This module can produce almost any light color using three primary additive colors: red, green, and blue. And with the help of a dimmer, the module can mix the three primary colors to produce up to 256 hues. Mathematically, the three primary LEDs, together with 256 shades of color (256 x 256 x256), equate to 16.7 million colors at designers’ fingertips to give life to dramatic lighting effects whether outdoors or in to set the mood, celebrate a season, charity or event. Let’s look at our favorite luminaires that can help designers complete their lighting vision.

FLC260-CC DMX Wireless

Media Tube HO RGBW

Allegro Dot

Medley X
A designer’s vision can come to life with LED RGBW color technology and a DMX controller. Fantastical color scenes can illuminate building facades, monuments, and architectural elements, adding interest to any streetscape or waterfront. This technology is not limited to exterior applications either – choose LEDs with RGBW color technology to illuminate the interior of almost any commercial building to set a mood or celebrate a season.